Posts tagged neck pain
Functional Breath & Core for Low Back Pain

A beautiful visual example of functional core and breath can be seen in most 1.5-year-old babies as they engage playfully in the world around them. The next time you have the privilege to watch a little one toddling around in a diaper—squatting, reaching, and lifting, notice how they breathe, the organization of their spine, and the fullness of their belly. You will be witnessing the most natural and perfect core at work.

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Levator Scapula Tension: Why You Should Minimize Repetitive Overhead Arm Actions

The Levator scapula (LS) is a muscle whose primary job is to lift the shoulder blade. It also helps to downwardly rotate the scapula (shoulder blade). Downward rotation happens when the arm is lowered after being lifted. This muscle is often the culprit of shoulder and neck pain along with headaches. Get to know this muscle and its relationship to overhead arm actions, scapulohumeral rhythm, and the rotator cuff.

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