Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Programs
To complete the 300 Hr. program with us, you need a total of 270 credit hours. You can combine the program offerings in any way that you'd like to meet the hour requirement.
7 day programs: 70 hours (8am-4pm) - $1150
3 day programs: 20 hours (8am-4pm) - $425
500Hr: Functionality for Sustainability in Yoga
April 17-19
Baton Rouge, La @ Yoga Rouge
Cost: $425
Functionality for Sustainability in Yoga
Most yoga practitioners come to the mat to feel better. One aspect of feeling well is the capacity to move throughout one’s daily activities without pain and discomfort. Maintaining tensional integrity in the musculoskeletal body is imperative for long-term, functional wellness.
In this 3-day intensive, we will examine typical yoga posture and alignment with the intention of delivering balanced movement, strengthening, and mobility opportunities for practitioners.
We will discuss strategies for sequencing and postural cueing for functional class design. You will gain a strong understanding of how to shape your classes for increased functionality while maintaining the essence of what you already teach.
Housing: Recommendation
500Hr Module 3: The Hip
April 24-30
Ft. Worth, TX
Cost: $1150
Our advanced yoga teacher trainings are for those teachers interested in leading classes based on functional wellness in mind and body. We place a strong emphasis on modern day scientific findings and applications with mindfulness, anatomy, and bio individuality. You will learn to apply the principles of Embodied Posture Methodology as outlined in Stacy's new book, Embodied Posture, to your practice and teaching. Each day you will take a class aimed at refining your personal physical practice and deepening your understanding of posture variation. Mindfulness meditation, breath practice, self-inquiry, and journaling will be included each day. Each module contains a specific anatomical focus in which we will study structure, function and applications in sequencing. Common injuries and their implications with yoga will be included.
500Hr 1-Day: Functionality for Sustainability in Yoga
May 24th 8-5pm
McKinney, TX
Cost: $120
Functionality for Sustainability in Yoga
Most yoga practitioners come to the mat to feel better. One aspect of feeling well is the capacity to move throughout one’s daily activities without pain and discomfort. Maintaining tensional integrity in the musculoskeletal body is imperative for long-term, functional wellness.
In this 1-day intensive, we will examine typical yoga posture and alignment with the intention of delivering balanced movement, strengthening, and mobility opportunities for practitioners.
We will discuss strategies for sequencing and postural cueing for functional class design. You will gain a strong understanding of how to shape your classes for increased functionality while maintaining the essence of what you already teach.
500Hr Module 3: The Shoulder
June 6-12
Ft. Worth, TX
Cost: $1150
500Hr Module 3 Intensive
Upper Limb and Cervical Spine
This program is held at Yoga Project training center in Fort Worth. Lodging and meals are not included.
Our advanced yoga teacher trainings are for those teachers interested in leading classes based on functional wellness in mind and body. We place a strong emphasis on modern day scientific findings and applications with mindfulness, anatomy, and bio individuality.
You will learn to apply the principles of Embodied Posture Methodology as outlined in Stacy's new book, Embodied Posture, to your practice and teaching. Each day you will take a class aimed at refining your personal physical practice and deepening your understanding of posture variation. Mindfulness meditation, breath practice, self-inquiry, and journaling will be included each day. Each module contains a specific anatomical focus in which we will study structure, function and applications in sequencing. Common injuries and their implications with yoga will be included.
Space is limited so secure your room with a $500 deposit!
500Hr: Functionality for Sustainability in Yoga
Oct 9-11
East Providence, RI @ Create Power Yoga
Cost: $425
Functionality for Sustainability in Yoga
Most yoga practitioners come to the mat to feel better. One aspect of feeling well is the capacity to move throughout one’s daily activities without pain and discomfort. Maintaining tensional integrity in the musculoskeletal body is imperative for long-term, functional wellness.
In this 3-day intensive, we will examine typical yoga posture and alignment with the intention of delivering balanced movement, strengthening, and mobility opportunities for practitioners.
We will discuss strategies for sequencing and postural cueing for functional class design. You will gain a strong understanding of how to shape your classes for increased functionality while maintaining the essence of what you already teach.